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Quote of the day


Quote of the Day

Dave and I enjoy browsing YouTube for concerts, live performances, and other outstanding performances. As such we come across some amazing finds. This world is absolutely brimming with amazing talent. 

During one of these evenings we came across one of Santana's concerts and during this Carlos broke from the music twice to communicate positive and inspiring messages with the crowd. 

I did my best to transcribe one of these min-speeches here below. The impact this had on the live crowd absolutely blue my mind ... I hope you enjoy it too:

"We come from only 2 things:

- Light and Love,

- Light and love,

...not fear!

Light and Love.

If you remember one thing tonight let it be this:

You are significant!

You are meaningful!

You matter 

and you can make a difference in the world!

It is not just the Dali Lama 

or Mother Teressa,


This is about you and me:

Light and Love.

Let us say:

'It is my choice,

It is my decision to make every day

The best day of my life.'

You are made with light and love.

So I'm inviting us all

To avoid thinking that we are unworthy

Or that we have to go on a journey to find it.

We don't have to find it.

It was given to you."


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