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Showing posts from June, 2023

Funky Instrumental Band

    Funky Instrumental Band Today we'll be recommending this concert on Youtube featuring The Fearless Flyers .   This funky instrumental group of musicians focuses on telling, and demonstrating, the art of music. Their joy on stage is something to behold.  Ever seen a guitarist use a stand before?  Ever see 3 of them in a row? ...It's an interesting sight. That wickedly good bass player must have a very strong, but sore neck. And that drummer - who can do so much with so little; sometimes playing like a hand drummer, other times using dynamic stick techniques. His solo has a way of getting the audience to really lean in and listen attentively.  ~~~   Find us online via:  ~~~ 

Answering Your Q's

          Answering Your Q's Q: Dave I'm wondering if in your career there are any notable successes or failures you wouldn't mind sharing today?  A: For me, when I see the joy on a students face when they play, the owner of the djembe that I brought back to life absolutely thrilled with the sound, the student that goes on to make a life of drumming as I did – that is success for me.  I'm not a fan of the term "failure" because I view challenges, obstacles or interruptions as just a bump in the road. When I make an error, I see this as really just a chance to learn how to do it better next time.   ~~   Find us online via :  ~~

Another Happy Client

    Another happy client shared this feedback with us recently: "I want to give a big shoutout of thanks and gratitude for Dave and all the time and effort he has given me through lessons and repairs. I owe a large part of my musical enjoyment and technique to Dave and his constant support. He has taught me how to tune and repair my drums so I'm always able to keep them sounding just the way I like. Just recently, we restored a vintage drumkit to its former glory, after years of living in a barn. It wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for Dave, he taught me new skills every step of the way. I recommend Dave to all my friends who have an interest in drums!" ~  Jacob Endersby ~~~   Discover the Brummet's Books on Amazon :  Find Them Online via :

Musician Resources

  Kootenay / Boundary Musician Resources The Kootenay & Boundary regions are filled with artists of all kinds including of course, musicians of all shapes and sizes playing noise makers of every kind you could imagine. :) If you don't reside or vacation here, don't worry you can still use these resources to network, sources to advertise, find places to query for gigs, etc. Many of the small and medium sized cities or communities are spread quite far apart and so, especially if you are new to the area, it can seem difficult to find others to network with.  Therefore we are doing a series of blog posts offering some online networking resources for you to check out. Some of these will be buy/sell related, but this will also give you insight as to instruments available and the people selling them. E - Know Events Kootenay Festival of Arts Music BC Org. ~~~   Find us onl...